encargar (que): pedir que haga o suministre una cosa. [Véase también encargarse de]

-Encargué un pastel sin gluten — I ordered a gluten-free cake/ I had a gluten-free cake made [Sin complemento indirecto de persona]

Le encargué un pastel sin gluten — I asked him to make/ get/ source a gluten-free cake [≈Le pedí que me lo hiciera/suministrara]

→→Se lo encargué a mi hermano — I asked my brother to do it/ gave my brother the task of doing it

→→→Le encargué (a mi hermano) que nos trajera un pastel sin gluten — I asked him to bring a cake/ entrusted him with the task of/ I gave him the job of bringing us a gluten-free cake [Seguido de 'que + subjuntivo']

→El pastel fue por encargo — The cake was made to order


-El arzobispo encargó la obra para celebrar la apertura — The archbishop commissioned the piece to celebrate the opening


-Nos encargaron el mantenimiento del edificio — We were put in charge of/ We were assigned the task of maintenance [Cuando el sustantivo corresponde a un verbo de acción (p.ej. mantenimiento = mantener, gestión = gestionar, etc.], puede significar 'poner a cargo de' dicha acción o actividad]

-Le han encargado la gestión de la empresa — He's been appointed to manage the business / He's been tasked with the running of the business

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