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andar + gerundio / participio |
In colloquial Spanish especially, the verb andar(se) is used with a similar meaning to the verb estar, indicating someone's location, circumstances, or activity; it generally maintains the idea of motion in time or space.
"Equivale a «estar», expresando una situación circunstancial, con un complemento con distintas preposiciones".1
-¿En qué andas metido ahora? — What are you mixed up in now?
-Andan un pelín escocidos por el Centro Botín — They are a bit upset about the Botín Centre
-Últimamente anda muy preocupado — He's been very worried lately
-Anda con gente chunga — He hangs around with dodgy people
→Va con gente chunga [Véase ir +con/ participio]
-Hay que andar(se) con mil ojos — You need to be extremely careful [Ojo: se usa la forma pronominal más en la lengua hablada, sobre todo en ciertas expresiones fijas]
Due to the underlying sense of motion, 'andar + complemento' tends to describe a situation that is recurrent or dynamic.
-Voy al baño. Juan está (anda??) pendiente de mi maleta — I'm going to the toilet. Juan is keeping an eye on/ wathcing out for my suitcase ['Andar' no encaja en este contexto, ya que no hay movimiento y es algo que está pasando en este momento y no de forma recurrente]
→Juan anda pendiente de su llamada — Juan is expecting/waiting for her call [≈Va por ahí pendiente, está pendiente en general estos días]
-¿Qué te pasa? Te has puesto pálido de repente -No sé. Estoy (Ando??) mareado — What's the matter? You've gone pale all of a sudden -I don't know. I'm feeling queasy
→Últimamente ando mareado casi todos los días — Lately I've been feeling queasy most days [Recurrente en el tiempo]
Both andar+gerundio and estar+gerundio indicate that an action is underway.
Andar+gerundio , however, implies an intermittent, repetitive activity, often translating as 'to go around doing sth'.
"Se parece esta perífrasis a «estar + gerundio» en que no implica que la acción o el proceso denotados por el verbo principal lleguen a completarse, pero se diferencia de ella en que describe situaciones que se desarrollan con interrupciones o de modo intermitente. Es, pues, una perífrasis frecuentativa que se combina habitualmente con verbos que también lo son".RAE
-Andaba llamando por teléfono a todas sus ex — He was going around calling all his ex-girlfriends
-Anda escribiendo una novela — He is writing a novel on and off
-Anda buscando un socio para ayudarle a montar el negocio — He's on the lookout for a new partner to help him set up the business
It is similar to ir+gerundio in that it can indicate a repetitive action; however ir+gerundio tends to imply progressive or cumulative development with events that have a natural endpoint (see predicado télico ), while andar+gerundio is normally used with activities that tend to be repetitive or intermittent but not ever reach an endpoint.2
-Anda escribiendo una novela — He's writing a novel on and off (implies intermittent action; probably not making progress)
→Poco a poco va escribiendo una novela — He's slowly writing a novel (implies progressive action towards an endpoint)
-Va/Anda haciendo muchas preguntas al jefe — He's going around asking the boss a lot of questions (repetitive)
-Andaba/Iba diciendo que iba a denunciarme — He was going around saying he was going to report me
-Anda (Va) haciendo reparaciones en la casa — He's doing some repairs in that house ('va' implies more progressive action; 'andar' implies more futile, intermittent activity)
Andar+gerundio is generally only used when the subject is the agent (i.e. the 'doer' of an action, normally implying will, intention or control -see agentividad), and therefore is not used with state verbs or state changes.
-La mujer iba/estaba (andaba) envejeciendo — The woman was gradually getting older
-Los muebles iban (andaban) acumulándose — The furniture was piling up
-Juan va (anda) perdiendo su memoria — Juan is gradually losing his memory
Due to the intermittent, incomplete nature of andar+gerundio , it often has negative connotations.
"[...] va acompañado de connotaciones negativas respecto de la futilidad de la acción, de su falta de provecho o de su carácter inapropiado". 3
-Anda pidiendo dinero — He's going around asking for money
-Anduvo husmeando en mis cosas — He was sniffing around in my things
-Anda cuchicheando a mis espaldas — He goes around gossiping behind my back
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