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lo suficiente - suficientemente |
When it comes to translating 'enough' into Spanish, learners are faced with a somewhat confusing array of options: suficiente, lo suficiente, suficientemente, lo suficientemente, bastante and lo bastante.
First off, we must consider that 'enough' can be an adjective (I have enough money), an adverb (with adjective/adverb - I am fast enough; with verb - I work enough) and a pronoun (I have enough).
1. Adjective (with nouns)
Unlike bastante, suficiente can only be used as an adjective.
Although most grammar books suggest placing it before the noun, in practice you will find suficiente used frequently after the noun, especially in written Spanish.3
As is the case with most adjectives that accept both positions, placing it after the noun puts more emphasis on the restrictive nature (especificativo), i.e. it is sufficient for something in particular –see discussion. Furthermore, when the noun is used along with other determiners, suficiente tends to follow it.
-Vivimos bien. Tenemos suficientes recursos (en general)
→Tenemos recursos suficientes para pagarle la carrera a nuestra hija
→Tenemos los recursos suficientes como para pagarle una carrera
→Le dará unos ingresos suficientes para comprarse una casa en el pueblo
Bastante, meanwhile, can be used as an adjective and an adverb. It can be confusing for learners, and at times ambiguous, since it has two interpretations:2
1. enough (evaluación relativa a una finalidad: suficiente).
2. quite a lot, a fair amount, as much as or more than expected (evaluación relativa a una norma: numeroso, abundante)
In Spain, the second interpretation is by far the most common. Bastante nearly always goes before the noun. The use of para will usually be for comparison rather than purpose.
-Tenemos bastantes mantas — We have 1. enough blankets 2. quite a few blankets
1. Tenemos bastantes mantas para todo el mundo — We have enough blankets for everyone
2. Tenemos bastantes mantas para ser una casa pequeña — We have quite a lot of blankets for a small house
2. Adverb/Pronoun with verbs
When suficiente is used along with verbs, there are two possibilities:
1. suficiente alone, alluding to an omitted noun (the complemento directo with transitive verbs).
2. accompanied by lo to create a kind of adverbial or pronoun (with intransitive and transitive verbs).
-Toma, hay más guiso -No, gracias, he comido suficiente [guiso; transitive verb; complemento directo de 'comer'])
→No comes lo suficiente [Transitive/intransitive verb; adverbial acting on the verb 'comer' or pronoun meaning 'suficiente cantidad']
-Haciendo una sopa para la familia: No has hecho suficiente para todos [sopa; transitive verb; complemento directo de 'hacer']
→No has hecho lo suficiente para evitar este desastre [Transitive verb; pronoun meaning 'suficientes cosas']
-¿Has dormido lo suficiente? [Intransitive verb; adverbial; no tiene complemento directo]
-No se asustaban lo suficiente [Pronominal verb; adverbial; no tiene complemento directo]
-¿Tienes suficiente dinero? -Sí, tengo suficiente [dinero; complemento directo de 'tener']
→No tengo lo suficiente para vivir [Transitive verb; pronoun; complemento directo de 'tener']
-Hay suficiente para todos [algo; transitive verb; complemento directo de 'haber']
As an adverb, bastante has the same two interpretations as when used as an adjective: 1. enough 2. quite a lot.
Since basante is already an adverb, it can be used without lo with intransitive verbs (i.e. not alluding to an implicit noun). Lo tends to be used along with the idea of a specific purpose —i.e. it's enough for something, rather than 'quite a lot' —and is generally followed by para or como para.
-He dormido bastante — I've slept quite a lot / enough (Adverb)
-He vivido bastante — I've lived plenty / enough (Pronoun or adverb)
→He vivido lo bastante como para saber eso — I've lived enough to know that
-Hemos ganado basante — We've earned quite a lot /enough (Pronoun or adverb)
→Ganamos lo bastante para vivir bien— We earn enough to live well
Suficientemente can be used with verbs, denoting sufficient degree, although lo suficiente is far more common in spoken Spanish.
-No motivó suficientemente a sus empleados (lo suficiente)
-Eso no me compensa suficientemente (lo suficiente)
-No he dormido suficientemente (lo suficiente)
3. Adverb with adjectives/adverbs
With adjectives or adverbs, suficientemente and lo suficientemente are interchangeable in most contexts. Lo tends to be used along with the idea of a specific purpose — i.e. it's enough for something—and is followed by para or como para (for difference, read more).
When used at the end of the sentence, lo suficientemente is not possible; lo suficiente is, though.3
-Nunca se consideraban suficientemente fuertes
-No eres lo suficientemente fuerte como para levantar esto
-Lo has hecho (lo) suficientemente bien
-Eres un tío fuerte, pero no (lo) suficientemente
-Eres un tío fuerte, pero no lo suficiente
In some parts of Central America, lo suficiente is used with adjectives and adverbs instead of (lo) suficientemente.3
-Su voz no era lo suficiente fuerte (suficientemente)
-Creo que es lo suficiente claro (suficientemente)
When used with lo, bastante generally means 'enough' rather than 'quite a lot'. In this case it tends to be followed by para or como para to express the purpose of the sufficiency.3
-Eres bastante fuerte para tener solo 15 años [Más de lo que se espera; considerablemente]
→Eres lo bastante fuerte para levantar esto [Suficientemente]
-La nevera está bastante fría [Considerablemente]
→La nevera está lo bastante fría como para conservar el pescado [Suficientemente]
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