faltar / quedar (para)
Both faltar and quedar can be used to talk about the time or quantity of something missing or remaining. In many cases they are interchangeable; sometimes, though, there is a slight difference in meaning.
It can be a bit like saying "the glass is half empty or half full" –both mean the same thing, but the perspective differs.
Faltar indicates what is missing in order to reach or complete a certain limit or point. This is like saying how much of the liquid is missing in the glass in order to fill it.
Quedar indicates what remains to be done or completed before a certain point or limit. This is like saying how much of the liquid is left in the glass.
-¿Falta mucho para que llegue la abuela? — Will it be long till granny arrives? (focus on granny's absence; the liquid that is missing in order to fill the glass)
→¿Queda mucho para llegar a Madrid? — Is there long to go until we get to Madrid? (focus on the remaining distance; the liquid left in the glass)
-A la carne le faltan 5 minutos — The meat needs another five minutes (clock counting up towards total time; the meat needs another five minutes to reach completion - see faltar vs. hacer falta)
→A la carne le quedan unos 5 minutos de cocción — The meat still has another five minutes left to cook (counting down to zero, five mintues left on the stopclock; the cooking process has five minutes remaining)
-(Solo) Faltan 20 minutos para que empiece el partido. Los aficionados se están poniendo histéricos — There are 20 minutes to go before the class starts (focus on the game starting; focuses on the time that needs to pass before something happens)
→(Aún) Quedan 20 minutos para que empiece el partido. A ver si puedo terminar mis deberes antes — There are still 20 minutes left before the class starts (focus on the time remaining in a period already underway; things still do be done before the game starts)
- Me queda por conocer un vecino (algo pendiente) — There is still one neighbour I haven't met (it remains to be done; liquid left in the glass)
→ (Sólo) Me falta conocer un vecino (para terminar algo) — I've still to meet one neighbour (in order to complete something; focus on what is missing/what needs to be done; liquid needed to fill the glass)
-(Aún) Me quedan por conocer muchos sitios en este mundo — I still have a lot of places left to visit in this world (focus on places remaining )
→Me falta conocer muchos sitios en este mundo?? (this sentence wouldn't make much sense alone; it sounds like you need to visit many places in order complete something - see faltar (por)+infinitivo)
-¿Qué tal tu viaje? -Bien. Hice mogollón de cosas, pero me faltó visitar el museo del Prado (focusing on something missing or lacking in order to reach an objective; liquid needed to fill the glass)
→Me queda por vistar el museo del Prado (focusing on something that is still to be done; liquid still to be drunk)
-Quedan solo 4 semanas para las vacaciones. Hay que ponerse en forma ya — There are only four weeks left before holidays (focus on remaining time; in this example it implies that time is running out)
→Faltan solo 4 semanas para las vacaciones. ¡Qué ganas tengo! — Only four weeks to go until the holidays (focus on starting the holidays; implies excitement and expectation - not long now!)
En La Prensa
Para ello, tendrá que mejorar su juego y resultados «Faltan diez partidos y estamos a cinco puntos. Debemos salir a por todas», El Norte de Castilla-Apr 6, 2017
Faltan diez jornadas para que concluya la competición y en lo que se refiere a los equipos ourensanos, esta temporada toca mirar para abajo. La Región-Mar 7, 2017
Además la publicación nos recuerda que sólo nos quedan diez semanas para el verano y te cuenta qué hacer y qué no para estar en forma en la playa. Antena 3 Noticias (Comunicado de prensa)-May 3, 2017
Las declaraciones de Erdogan llegan cuando quedan diez días para que se celebre el referéndum en el que los turcos votarán la reforma ... Europa Press-Apr 6, 2017
Apenas quedan diez días para que comience a correr el plazo para hacer las cuentas anuales con Hacienda. La Voz de Galicia-Mar 25, 2017
In Español-Avanzado Articles
-faltar vs quedar-